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Power of Interactive Content & Why Lottie Animation Is Important Than Ever

Published on December 6, 2023

The advent of technology changed how we saw things forever. We’ve got Facebook to easily reach out to our dear ones, we’ve got Instagram to make our own photo journal, we’ve got Netflix to watch films and TV series on the go, and we’ve got a myriad of food apps to ease our hunger with a few clicks on the phone.

This has escalated much further when COVID-19 struck last year. According to Statista,  online transactions increased by 39.7 percent in January 2021. This is in comparison to the index period in January 2020. Even the global conversion rate also increased by 40.3 percent. This only proves that more and more people will be joining the realm of the internet and brands need to make the experience as interactive as ever. If they don’t, well, there are thousands of competitors to cover up for their lack of progress.

Over the years, the way we interact with our devices changed. Animations took place over static images and made the user experience more alive and a bridge between the online and offline worlds. Is it a good thing in the long run? There are pro and con arguments, but either way mobile and web developers will have hands full of work to satisfy our expectations.

So, now that the internet is housing billions and billions of users, we’re going to discuss in detail why we spend so much time on the internet, what can businesses do to leverage this opportunity and create an online world closer to the real one with the help of the ever wonderful Lottie Animation.

When Micro-Interactions & Animations Come Together

When micro-interactions and animations come together, static embraces the appearance of visible change – a change so great that is instantly noticeable. This provides us with a tangible and familiar context, which makes our perception of software more intuitive, discoverable, emotive, and recognizable.

Effective use of micro-interactions demands subtlety. Not every section of your app or website requires animation; an overload might overwhelm users. Prioritizing functional interaction over visually captivating elements is crucial. However, the best approach is a balance between both—a functional and visually appealing interface yields the most fruitful outcomes.

How Lottie Animations Can Easily Transform The Online World To A Real One

Proper implementation of micro-interaction can make the online world seem like a real one. In these trying times, when we are compelled to stay inside our homes, getting a real-world experience on the internet is what we all desire from the bottom of our exhausted hearts.

Animations have a lot to do with the way the internet is gradually transforming into the real world. Well, not literally, of course, but near enough to make you feel you can get by in the new normal. Although animations play a key role in revitalizing the online world, it was not always easy to have them incorporated. It was either picking a top-quality file that takes up a lot of space and makes the app or website slow down or a small size with the most horrendous resolution. And let’s not even get to creating animations through CSS. It was worse than sitting on a bench of needles. 

But when Lottie animations kicked in through the door, things changed for good. It was the reason designers heaved a sigh of relief, the reason apps and websites were never so awesome, and the sole reason, Animoox boasts about it with great delight.

Lottie, a JSON-based animation format exported from Adobe After Effects, seamlessly integrates into various platforms—be it websites or mobile apps—retaining its quality while consuming minimal space. Its lightweight nature ensures it doesn’t burden the system. What’s truly remarkable is how Lottie animations enrich user interfaces with lifelike experiences, all achieved without the need to code. It’s a game-changer in the realm of design and user interaction.

The Impact of the 4 Hormones

Mobile phones allow us to satisfy our demands with just a few clicks. While that may claim us as the laziest generation to ever step foot since the beginning of mankind, this provides ample opportunities to businesses all over the world to try something new and innovative. As consumers, we can even inform these businesses about what we liked and didn’t like about their creativity. All that within a few taps on the screen.

But ever noticed how we keep on tapping even without any purpose? As if, we have nothing better to do and that’s our sole way of living this life. This happens because we are unconsciously triggering four neurotransmitters when we tap on the phone screen.

Dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, are the four neurotransmitters that are responsible for our happiness and wellbeing. These hormones can be generated in various ways but the common thing between them is that they get our mental juices going. Physical touch causes these hormones to boost the immune system, decrease blood pressure, incite positive thoughts, and expand trust and reduce social anxiety and stress.

These micro-interactions occur when we don’t put much thought. For instance, scrolling the newsfeed, answering the phone call, and receiving and opening the notification. Some businesses (the smart ones actually) take it up a notch by making their app as interactive as possible to let their users feel a sense of gratification.

Micro-interactions are often subtle actions we take for granted—scrolling a newsfeed, answering a call, or opening a notification. However, savvy businesses take this further, aiming to make their apps highly interactive, providing users with a sense of gratification and engagement.

Microinteractions & The HALO Effect

Micro-interactions wield significant influence in shaping user experiences. When implemented effectively, they can evoke positive emotions and perceptions towards specific elements of an app or website. This positive sentiment often extends to the overall user impression, known as the ‘halo effect.’ Conversely, if users encounter a negative interaction, it might cast a shadow over their entire experience—an outcome best avoided, right?